More Lawsuits Filed Against Clean Water Rule; TPP Likely to be Approved by End of the Year
More and more lawsuits are being filed against the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Rule, known as Waters of the U.S. Coal giant Murray Energy Corp. is suing the Obama administration over its rule asserting power over small bodies of water. Murray said the rule is an example of “regulatory creep” and an unjust expansion of the EPA’s power to regulate water in light of Supreme Court decisions against other EPA rules. American Farm Bureau announced its lawsuit along with 11 other industry groups Thursday. 27 states in two separate lawsuits are also challenging the rule which is set to become law August 28th.
U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman stated recently his confidence in Congress that it will approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership and possibly by the end of the year. Froman said the “likelihood is very high that Congress will pass” the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because it will be a strong agreement reflecting the “enormous input by Congress.” With trade promotion authority, or fast-track, in the books, Froman said the first order of business is to complete the TPP negotiations and bring that agreement to Congress for approval.
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