McDonalds Downsizing; False Statements About the Science Behind EPA Waters Rules
In a move that hasn’t happened in 40 years, fast food giant McDonalds will downsize. In the last week McDonalds announced it is planning to close 184 restaurants across the United States this year, 59 more than it is planning to open. The last time the company contracted was in 1970. Earlier this year, McDonald's announced that it will shutter as many as 700 locations around the world, roughly half of which are in the United States, China, and Japan. The company also said earlier this month that it will be downsizing the head count at its U.S. headquarters in Illinois.
In a letter to Administrator Gina McCarthy last week, republicans on the House Science Committee accused McCarthy of lying to lawmakers while giving testimony to Congress on July 9th. Lawmakers reminded McCarthy that lying before lawmakers is a criminal offense. The letter stated “with that in mind, we write to request that you correct the record and implore you to be truthful with the American public about matters related to EPA’s regulatory agenda going forward.” The letter claims McCarthy made false statements regarding the science behind the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule.
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