A couple of times per year, Central Washington University (CWU) in Ellensburg is required by law to maximize the use of all of their assets and, when they have no further use for them, make an effort to maximize returns on their sale as they are not allowed to give surplus property away. What does it mean for you? SAVING MONEY!
Have you missed going "junking" (checking out yard/garage sales) since the pandemic put the kibosh on just about everything we love to do in the Yakima Valley? Fear not! A "secret" 40+ family yard sale is happening this weekend in the little 'ol town of Moxee out in East Valley!
Yakima's Biggest Yard Sale was one of the best we have ever had. The finds were amazing (I got a ton of stuff for my yard. Including an excellent carpet) and the people were great!
If you weren't at Perry Tech this past weekend, you missed out on some serious treasures.
You know it's spring when the yard sale signs start blooming all over town -- and the biggest one of all is about to pop!
It's Yakima's Biggest Yard Sale, coming Saturday, May 9, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Perry Technical institute parking lot, 2011 W...
The weather is on and we have tons of yard sales to go to. Our radio station yard sale is May 10th This is Yakima Valley's largest garage sale that goes down every year starting 7:45 in the Perry Tech parking lot. Goodwill is helping us present this awesome day. Check out Goodwill in Selah, Yakima and Ellensburg.
Nothing says springtime like a yard sale. They pop up every weekend from April to September, and tens of thousands of dollars exchange hands on deals both good and bad.
The granddaddy is the TownSquare Media yard sale coming up on May 11...