
Davis High Grad Represents Yakima Valley At Seahawks
Davis High Grad Represents Yakima Valley At Seahawks
Davis High Grad Represents Yakima Valley At Seahawks
Sunday night's Seahawks game, televised nationally, was ultimately a letdown for fans in the Northwest, considering the outcome: a 39-32 loss to the Arizona Cardinals. One bright spot occurred before the opening kickoff that Yakima Valley residents should be proud of, however.
Help Us Help Local Military Families by Supporting Townsquare Cares
Help Us Help Local Military Families by Supporting Townsquare Cares
Help Us Help Local Military Families by Supporting Townsquare Cares
Townsquare Media wants to say thank you to the enlisted men and women -- and their families -- of the Yakima Valley who sacrifice so much for all of us every day. That's why we've launched “Townsquare Cares for Military Families.” Here’s how it works -- and how you can help: Townsquare Cares is a nonprofit organization that works on behalf of troops and their families 24/7, 365 days a year... Read