You served our country now let us serve you, here are three places in the Yakima Valley offering free meals, on top of discounts and other special offers from other places around the Yakima Valley.
Memorial Day is Monday and, while it is a time to honor and remember those who have died in service, it has also become another guise for scam artists to take from people who are currently serving or have served our nation -- especially elderly veterans.
As we pause to give thanks, take inventory of our lives and count our blessings this Thanksgiving holiday, it's always appropriate to be aware of those around us who might be suffering or do not have their most beloved around any more.
Memorial Day is coming this Monday and, while it is a time to honor those who serve and remember those who have died in war, it has also become another guise for scam artists to take from people who are serving or have served their nation -- especially elderly veterans.