CDC Warns, “No Cheering” While Watching Super Bowl – Have Fun!
Super Bowl Sunday is, arguably, the biggest unofficial holiday of the calendar year in the good 'ol Land of the Free and Home of the Brave but, because of the ongoing effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have come out with their recommendations if you plan on throwing or attending a party to watch the game.
Most of the suggestions are nothing we haven't already heard at least a hundred times in the last 10-plus months as we have all had to navigate COVID-19 protocols. Things like wearing a mask on your face, maintaining a six-foot distance from others, washing your hands frequently have just become something we have all learned to deal with on one level or another. There is, however, one new recommendation that I heard about and had to check to see if it was, indeed, actually true.
I did and it is.
According to the CDC, "If you choose to attend the Super Bowl or a large Super Bowl event, like a watch party this year, follow these steps to make yourself safer: Avoid chanting or cheering. Stomp, clap, or bring hand-held noisemakers instead."
Seriously?!?! No cheering while watching a sporting event?!?! Why even bother watching? Isn't yelling, screaming whooping and hollering at the TV screen half the fun?
I guess I had better start learning how to mumble under my breath, "Thou sucketh, Brady." And, "My, what a most dreadful call, Mr. Official."
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Rock on, enjoy the game, be safe and be well! \m/ \m/
Todd E. Lyons, Esquire