Ag News: Bayer Applauds EPA’s Glyphosate Study
**Bayer says the EPA’s favorable conclusion about the safety of glyphosate reaffirms the extensive body of science that continues to support the safety of herbicides containing glyphosate and that this active ingredient is not carcinogenic.
Liam Condon, Bayer Crop Science Division President, tells agrimarketing.com, EPA's latest decision on glyphosate-based herbicides adds to the long-term evaluation by leading international health authorities that these products can be used safely.
**California's working lands can help the state achieve negative carbon emissions by 2045, according to a study by Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
Scientists found that increasing the uptake of carbon in natural and working lands, as well as converting waste biomass to fuels and storing the CO2, could together reduce annual carbon emissions by 109 million metric tons of the 125 million needed to reach the goal.
**Celery was the leading fresh commodity for retail sales growth in 2019, and it wasn’t even close .
Steve Lutz, vice president at Category Partners says celery retail sales rose 25.6% in 2019, compared with 2018.
Lutz tells thepacker.com, demand was thriving as the volume of celery sold was up 9% in 2019. He says conventional celery was up 8.4% while organic was up 12% on the year.
Organic celery accounts for about 9% of the total celery category, compared to 5% for the entire produce department.
Year-over-year sales growth for conventional and organic and other commodities: Broccolis-8% - Raspberries-7.7% - Blueberries-7.7% - Onions-7.6% - Avocados-7.6 – Lettuce-7.3% - Packaged Salads-5.6% - Herbs and Spices-5.2% - Watermelons-4.3%
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