During a two-day review of USDA by the House Agriculture Committee, USDA officials said payments to crop farmers for the 2014 crop year are projected to total $6.5 million. The payments will largely go to corn producers who signed up for the Agricultural Risk Coverage program. The payments will be made in October but Farm Service Agency Administrator Val Dolcini said the agency has not determined how much the payments will be cut if sequestration is in effect.

A report released this week by Friends of the Earth and the Natural Resources Defense Council grades fast-food and fast-casual restaurants on antibiotics use in their meat supply. The report claims most top U.S. restaurant chains have no publicly available policy to limit regular use of antibiotics. The environmental groups created a scorecard assessing the commitments of U.S. restaurant chains on antibiotics use in their supply chains. Chipotle and Panera Bread fared best, with both receiving A’s. Chick-fil-A received a grade of B, and Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's received C’s.

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