What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Last month was mental health month, honestly every single month should be mental health month because the struggle to keep the empty out, the constant hurt or the feeling of the world swallowing you up, being alone or coming to the conclusion that people would be better off without you is a state that many people are trying to claw themselves out of. You are not alone. You might feel alone but it is a moment in the big picture we call life so reach out because there are people who want to help. Who want to listen.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Below I have compiled some video of actors and actresses plus the founder of UROK that are opening up about what they would have told their younger selves, their personal struggles and what they did to overcome.
Having lost weight this past year, after attempting and failing for MANY years I realized that like any structure if you don't start with a strong foundation it will crumble. So my mental health needed to be adjusted as the changes took place with my body. If I didn't train myself to work on not talking negatively about myself it wouldn't matter if I was at my goal weight or not because I still had bad habits. We are incredibly resourceful humans when we push ourselves, it's ok to take a deep breath and try again.
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