WA Residents: If You See Any Phone Calls from This Area Code, It’s Likely a SCAMWA Residents: If You See Any Phone Calls from This Area Code, It’s Likely a SCAMYour phone's scam function might not even detect it!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Truck Stop Horror: List of 'Do Not Stop' Locations for OR, CA, WATruck Stop Horror: List of 'Do Not Stop' Locations for OR, CA, WA🚛 Truck drivers are sharing a list of truck stop locations they should avoid. Find out why!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
The Challenges Faced By 911 Dispatchers: Accidental And Abandon CallsThe Challenges Faced By 911 Dispatchers: Accidental And Abandon CallsDiscover the crucial role of 911 dispatchers as the first lifeline in emergencies, guiding EMTs, firefighters, and law enforcement.Jack BalzerJack Balzer
FOOD RECALL: Cotija Cheese and Jelly Bars, CA, WA, OR AffectedFOOD RECALL: Cotija Cheese and Jelly Bars, CA, WA, OR AffectedWell, this is certainly not gouda news! Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Can I Legally Sleep in My Car in WA?Can I Legally Sleep in My Car in WA? But sometimes you want to sleep especially if you've been traveling and find yourself having a tough time driving.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Know These Simple A to Z Tips for Washington Winter SafetyKnow These Simple A to Z Tips for Washington Winter SafetyThese tips are important to know, especially if you travel around Washington State during our harsh winters.Aj BrewsterAj Brewster
Want to Avoid House Fire? Firefighters Say Stand By Your PanWant to Avoid House Fire? Firefighters Say Stand By Your PanGood job! You survived Thanksgiving.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Improving Safety Creating More Fun With Light at Yakima’s ParksImproving Safety Creating More Fun With Light at Yakima’s ParksThe new lights will be celebrated at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 7:00 pm, Monday, October 2nd, at Kiwanis Park.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Give Tips To Drivers to Keep Kids SafeYakima Police Give Tips To Drivers to Keep Kids SafeAuthorities say they're simply hoping to save lives and prevent drivers from being ticketed. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Three Council Members Against Police and Fire Cuts in YakimaThree Council Members Against Police and Fire Cuts in YakimaA press release from Brown says the three stand against the proposed cuts that reduce the number of dedicated police officers and firefighters within the city. Lance TormeyLance Tormey