Would YOU Keep a Bag of Cash You Found in Yakima?Would YOU Keep a Bag of Cash You Found in Yakima?Many say if they found money in a remote area they may hold on to it for a while before actually spending the money.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Is it Illegal to Burn Money Even if It Belongs to You?Is it Illegal to Burn Money Even if It Belongs to You?Burning, tearing, gluing and other forms of destruction to money could have you looking at jail time if you're not familiar with the law. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
You Can Make Up to $180k Year by Selling Your PoopYou Can Make Up to $180k Year by Selling Your PoopFolks these days might be in need of some extra cash, but are you willing to go this far?Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
California More Trustworthy Than Washington? Stats Say Yes!California More Trustworthy Than Washington? Stats Say Yes!If you found $1000 on the ground... what would you do?Timmy!Timmy!
Yakima Savings and Loan Offers Scholarship Dollars Yakima Savings and Loan Offers Scholarship Dollars In 2024, Yakima Federal Savings and Loan will award up to $217,500 in academic assistanceLance TormeyLance Tormey
How Much Is Enough Money to Be Considered Middle Class in WA?How Much Is Enough Money to Be Considered Middle Class in WA?How much money is considered middle class in WA? See where your income falls on the bracket.John RiggsJohn Riggs
Feds Are Paying $2 Million to Selected Farmers to Grow in WA, ORFeds Are Paying $2 Million to Selected Farmers to Grow in WA, ORThe grants are part of the President Biden administration's pledge to create ways to tamper down the sky-high cost of food.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Yakima Realtor Says Renting May Be Better Than Buying Right NowYakima Realtor Says Renting May Be Better Than Buying Right NowIf you are inclined to purchase a home it depends upon how much money you have to spend before taking on a payment.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
After a Long Wait New Flights Start At Yakima Airport SaturdayAfter a Long Wait New Flights Start At Yakima Airport Saturday An early morning flight lands at the Yakima Air Terminal McAllister Field along with a late night return flight starting Saturday.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Check Your Accounts: Multiple Banks Throttled By Deposit DelaysCheck Your Accounts: Multiple Banks Throttled By Deposit DelaysCustomers of several banks including Chase, Bank of America and others were missing deposits after a "manual error" with the processing system.Rob CarrollRob Carroll