It'll Cost You $124 If You Ignore Your Seatbelt in YakimaIt'll Cost You $124 If You Ignore Your Seatbelt in YakimaDo you wear your seatbelt while behind the wheel in Yakima?Lance TormeyLance Tormey
3 Intersections in Yakima Seeing a Majority of Red Light Crashes3 Intersections in Yakima Seeing a Majority of Red Light Crashes They're conducting speed patrols looking for drivers not stopping for red lights and speeding.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Red Light Runners Causing Yakima Crashes Every WeekRed Light Runners Causing Yakima Crashes Every WeekYakima Police continue searching for speeding drivers in the city as the traffic speed patrols continue.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Driving Drunk? Yakima Police Say a Jail Cell is Waiting For YouDriving Drunk? Yakima Police Say a Jail Cell is Waiting For You During the week of April 2 through April 8 officers made a total of 775 traffic stops and arrested 11 drivers for driving under the influence. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Drivers Ignoring Traffic Stops Leading To Chases in Union GapDrivers Ignoring Traffic Stops Leading To Chases in Union Gap Chief Greg Cobb says before the police chase law was changed the department saw an average of 3 chases each year.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Are Red Light Cameras The Answer to Traffic Problems in Yakima?Are Red Light Cameras The Answer to Traffic Problems in Yakima? In 2021 the Yakima Police Department made a presentation to the city about installing Red Light cameras to help put a stop to the problem. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Fatal Crashes In Yakima Fueling More Emphasis PatrolsFatal Crashes In Yakima Fueling More Emphasis PatrolsYakima County Coroner Jim Curtis says a majority of the drivers killed were under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Hoping More Drivers Will Stop For Red LightsYakima Police Hoping More Drivers Will Stop For Red LightsFirst they say if the police vehicle is unmarked it will still be equipped with flashing red and blue lights as well as a audible siren.Lance TormeyLance Tormey