Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Curt Schilling were passed over by a Baseball Hall of Fame committee that elected former big league slugger Fred McGriff to Cooperstown on Sunday.
David Ortiz was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in his first turn on the ballot, while steroid-tainted stars Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were denied entry to Cooperstown
The baseball Hall of Fame won’t have any new players in the class of 2021 after voters decided no one had the merits — on the field or off — for enshrinement in Cooperstown.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling says he'll run against Elizabeth Warren in the U.S. Senate if his wife agrees, and that he's ultimately responsible for the collapse of his video game company in Rhode Island, though he didn't apologize to taxpayers left on the hook for tens of millions of dollars.
SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) — He was once famous for a foot that wore a bloody sock during a key game in the American League Championship Series. But now Curt Schilling is making news for putting his foot in his mouth. He posted an anti-Muslim tweet — and that got him kicked off ESPN's broadcasts of the Little League World Series...
BOSTON (AP) — Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh wants to ban chewing tobacco in sports venues across the city.
The mayor is expected to discuss a proposed new ordinance Wednesday morning at a city park. Public health officials, advocates, local youth and former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling are expected to attend...