Do cycilists belong on the main roads in Yakima? Some of the locals don't think so, we took a deep dive to show you the rules and laws so there's no more confusion on whether or not cyclists belong on the Yakima streets.
The Los Angeles County sheriff says the rollover that seriously injured Tiger Woods was “purely an accident” on a downhill section of road known for crashes.
It actually is pretty easy for a Horizon Air ground services agent to get into the cockpit, fire up the engines and take off. I know from experience on the airport ramp. Here's how that's possible.
21 year old Raymond Kelly (pictured below) said he may have been going a little too fast for the on ramp to Hwy 12 West from I-82 South. Kelly said his left tire caught the gravel on the left side (photo below) of the on ramp which may have caused him to overcompensate to get back on the road causing his car to spin out on to the right side of the road as shown in the photo above...
Our mothers weren’t too keen on us playing sports when we were younger for a good reason — they were trying to keep all those balls out of our faces.