Former CWU Coach Becomes New Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Coach
Hey, this is cool: the Seattle Seahawks just hired a new coach and he’s from Richland, Washington. He’s a CWU grad and they are very proud of him. They highlighted his promotion in one of their newsletters and that’s how I heard about it, since I don’t typically keep up with the goings on over on the Seahawks coaching team. Perhaps I should.
Unbeknownst to moi, it seems that Mister Greg Olson is already well known in the football coaching circles. This latest “hot goss” from the Central Washington University alumni says that Olson has just become the newest quarterback coach for the Seattle Seahawks. He was coaching the offensive linemen this past NFL season for the L.A. Rams. Oooh, so that means he knows Yakima hometown hero, Cooper Kupp?! They probably know each other very well, then! Cool beans.
Anywhoo, I just wanted to be the little town crier who tells you all the good gossip of the day. It’s always gives me a jolt of energy when somebody who’s from Washington does something, well, exciting.
Seahawks coach, Pete Carroll, even seems pretty pumped to have Greg Olson join his coaching team. Being a man of many words, Coach Pete said, "That was a great get for us."
I think that Coach Olson was hired to whip Geno Smith and 'nem into shape, because Coach Pete says that Greg is a real disciplinarian.
Look at me calling him “Greg” like we are old chums or something. Perhaps some day we may be…I’m sorry, excuse me for just a moment…A little birdie has just informed me that we don’t know if Geno Smith is coming back to the Seattle Seahawks.
We don't know what, now?
TF you mean?, as the kids say!
Congrats to you, “Coach Greg”! We are excited to have you join the Seahawks, and happy belated 60th birthday (March 1)!
FUN FACT: Coach Greg Olson’s first NFL gig was with the San Francisco 49ers, where he was hired as a quarterback coach in 2001.
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