Robotic Sports Camera Confuses Bald for Ball!
Necessity is the mother of invention, especially now in the pandemic! You are hearing so many stories about how the Coronavirus has impacted sports left and right. No matter which team, which sport, which ball is in play, this year in sports has been creamed! Trying to keep people safe, the easiest way to do this, is to simply remove the people. You've seen it in the stands, seats as well as on the sidelines. Well, an inventor hope to help out with the broadcasting of these games by creating a robotic camera to capture all the competitive action, with no operator needed!
The problem became apparent when the ball traveled to one side of the field, where an assistant referee was standing. The referee stood there, with the beautiful bald head shinning bright, confusing the camera. Yes, the A.I. mistook the bald head of assistant referee for the soccer ball. It might be obvious to viewers, but not so much to the Pixellot technology. When it comes to the next game, we're not sure if they'll work on the the A.I. or ask the ref to wear a hat.
KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus
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