New Huskies Head Football Coach Jimmy Lake’s Show Debuts Tonight
There are still a number of unanswered questions when it comes to University of Washington Huskies football in 2020 not which the least is "Will there even be a Pac-12 season this year?"
Regardless, the Dawgs have a new "Dawgfather" in the form of former Defensive Coordinator Jimmy Lake. Lake takes over for his predecessor Chris Petersen who abruptly stepped down following the 2019 campaign.
What is the state of Husky football in a Coronavirus world? Find out tonight with the debut of the "Jimmy Lake Show" beginning at 6:00 p.m. right here on your home for Husky football - 1460 ESPN Yakima - with hosts Dave "Softy" Mahler and the voice of the U-Dub, Tony Castricone.
Use the hashtag #JimmyLakeShow on Twitter to have your question asked and answered on the program!
Enjoy this photo gallery of some Husky greats of the past: