You’ve Been Singing the ABCs Wrong—This Will Blow Your Mind
We're all familiar with the classic "ABC" song. And if you're a parent of littles, chances are you've heard them fly through the "LMNOP" part. What if we told you that there's a way to sing it that will better help your kids learn the alphabet? This is a parent life hack you don't want to miss.
When you think of the "ABC" song, you think of the below:
"ABCDEFG, HIJK, LMNOP, QRS, TUV, WXY and Z. Now I know my ABCs. Next time won't you sing with me."
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It was the way we were all taught. And while we turned out ok, there's a better way. If you have a toddler or little kid, you've likely heard them mush the letters L,M,N,O, and P together. Some kids even think that's one or two letters. There's a way around this to make each letter super clear to them.
One TikTok account @beverlychanceteacher, shows the new way to sing the classic.
As you heard, the new version goes a little something like this:
"ABCDEFG *clap* HIJKLMN *clap* OPQ *clap* RST *clap* UVW *clap* XYZ *clap* Those are the letters of the alphabet. Sing them so you won't forget."
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Makes sense, and it's catchy! There are all sorts of fun ways to teach using songs. Some educators were teaching kids how to count by 9s using the Morgan Wallen hit "Last Night." We wish we had these tricks when we were growing up.
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Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman
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