Seven 21+ Halloween Parties You Should Check Out in Yakima
I was telling my 13-year-old daughter the other day that most kids will be out trick or treating this weekend even though the actual date of Halloween is next Thursday. I don't make the rules, I just report 'em!
Looking from the outside, it might seem that KIDS get all the Halloween fun, with their Trunk or Treats, Halloween trolleys, tactical tag zombie fests, and knocking on strangers' doors begging for candy. And if you're under 21, you probably already have fun Halloween plans with your crew anyway, amirite?
Grown-ups, however, would look a little foolish doing some of those things without having kids in tow. That's why I made a list of fun Halloween activities for the TWENTY-ONE AND UP set!
Instead of moping around the house watching scary movies this year, don't party alone at home! here's some places you can go in the Yakima Valley.
I searched around the internet near and far to locate some parties and Halloween shenanigans for adults in the Yakima area.
Would you like to sip on adult beverages whilst shopping in your Halloween costume? There's a local event for that. (See the "Sip & Stroll" event listed below.)
Want to go all out and experience a Halloween Drag Lunch or Drag Night Out? (See the two separate drag events below.)
Or do you prefer a little singing with your Halloween celebrations? (Check out the Halloween Karaoke event listed below.)
Do you want to go shopping at a Halloween-themed artisan market and buy local goodies on the go? We've got a thing like that going on this weekend, too! (See the Halloween Market listing below.)
Itching to try something different? (See the Halloween Murder Improv event listed below.)
That makes at least five adult-only Halloween things to do, but I've got plenty more suggestions waiting for you in the photo gallery below, so keep on reading!
7 Halloween 2024 Events for ADULTS Ages 21+
Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby
5 Scary Mythological Creatures That Secretly Roam Washington State
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
4 of the Creepiest and Coolest Underground Tunnels in Washington State
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals