It's something I don't personally agree with, but there are many who don't care for the city of Yakima.

This sentiment comes from both people who live in Yakima as well as those who used to live in Yakima.

And there are those who have only heard stories.

Well, the website RoadSnacks came up with the 10 worst towns in Washington State and, according to them, It's not Yakima.

In fact, Yakima doesn't even crack the top 10.

What is the worst city in Washington State?

RoadSnacks claim it's not Yakima, but our neighbors in Union Gap.

I love our friends in Union Gap, why they gotta hate on Union Gap?

Well, from their own methodology, they have several reasons ranging from how large the poverty level is to access to civil services, and more.

They also state crime is almost 300% above the national average.

Also mentioned is the local schools and how they don't rank as high as other schools in Washington State.

But, with anything, it's all what you make of it. Union Gap has some great shopping and convenient access. They also have many stores that Yakima doesn't even have.

If you're curious about the other cities they have in their top ten.

2. Tukwila
3. Sunnyside
4. Shelton
5. Kelso
6. Centralia
7. Aberdeen
8. SeaTac
9. Toppenish
10. Chehalis

A few from the east side; a few from the west side.

Again, this is from RoadSnacks so you can blame them for whatever they're talking about. I'm here to say Union Gap is pretty neat.

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