Some people are calling themselves 'TikTok Refugees' and are flocking to a new app called RedNote.

Fair warning: the app 's language is Mandarin.

What Is the RedNote App and Why Does Everyone on My Timeline Keep Saying They Need to Learn Mandarin

So, this is what it's like to move to a new country and *not* understand a lick of the official language. I'm here to say that it's quite frustrating. At least we're dealing with a social media app and not a real-life refugee situation, because that would be tragic.

First World Problems: A TikTok Ban

Unless Byte Dance changes their mind and allows TikTok to be divested into non-Chinese ownership, we are going to lose updates (and possibly access) to the biggest social media app in America on Sunday, January 19th.

I have been so worried about losing my access to all my saved recipes!

Sorry, Zuckerberg, but Facebook doesn't seem to have the number of fervent devotees to it like TikTok does.

Dare I say it, if Facebook went away tomorrow, all I would miss is the ability to use Facebook Messenger and maybe a handful of my sewing and quilting groups and the localized meme groups. (Washington State Memes, anyone?)

@luisitorio787 China! #rednote #tiktokban ♬ original sound - Luis


What Is the RedNote App?

No. As a Baby GenXer, it wasn't hard for me to figure out how to find RedNote in my app store and download it. To log in for the first time, I decided to use my phone number and not the log in through Facebook or my Gmail option.

Remember to change your phone prefix to +1 if you have an American phone number (like me)!

Once I downloaded the app and logged in, tell me why the first videos that pop up on my feed are ones labeled, "Welcome, TikTok Refugees!" People are weird and crazy. And I'm here for all of it!

Basically, it's TikTok, but in Chinese. I haven't taken a deep dive into the app yet, but I am seeing a lot of cooking and makeup tutorials. It actually appears as though there is something for everybody to get into, if you love watching short videos.

What is Mandarin for, "Let's go, RedNote, now show me some dang recipes!"



@kitkatkittrell Aye I can’t read shit they sayin but OMM WE LIT! #fyp #kitkatkittrell #rednote ♬ original sound - Kittrell


RedNote on Google Play

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