Jennifer Garner, Yes, The Actress, Was Spotted in Grandview, WA

I feel like Gossip Girl when I have to tell you this: SPOTTED: Jennifer Garner, yes, THE Jennifer Garner was seen in Grandview, Wash., last week! It wasn’t one of those celebrity look-alikes, either, this was the real deal, holyfield, certified, bonafide Hollywood actress and lady from those Capital One Venture Card commercials.



Jennifer Garner for Capital One Venture Card
DerMoerder1 via YouTube

OMG, I have so many questions! Like, did the school know ahead of time that THE Jennifer Garner was coming to their school? Did the principals of the school have to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) before she stepped one foot inside the school grounds? What did she smell like (hey, don’t blame me for that question, a lot of people want to know)? How long was she in Grandview, i.e. did she stick around for a bit or did she dash off in a celebrity way like they always have somewhere else to go? Exactly how long did Grandview KNOW that THE Jennifer Garner was going to be coming to town? Did she sign any autographs? Did she leave behind anything you can sell on eBay (hey, don’t get mad, I’m just curious)?

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Jennifer Garner at Pike Place Fish Market via Instagram
Jennifer Garner via Instagram

The Yakima Herald reports that THE Jennifer Garner was in Grandview performing one of her duties as a brand ambassador for CAPITAL ONE VENTURE CARD COMMERCIALS Save the Children. I had no idea she was an ambassador for them, that’s so cool! (She’s a Kitchen Aid ambassador, too, the woman is BUSY.) 




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Jennifer, would you please let us know ahead of time the next time you want to swing through the WASHINGTON STATE? You don’t have to dash off to Seattle so fast!



RELATED: When Was the Last Time You Saw a Celebrity in Washington State?

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