Is Your House Still Scary? This Is For You, From A Yakima Driver
Halloween was (what seems like) forever ago, and some people still have their decorations up. Why? It's one thing if they have pumpkins still on their porch. I've engaged in the "how long will it last?" game. Maybe you're waiting for the right time to make that pumpkin pie. (I have no idea how to make a pumpkin pie or what parts of the pumpkin even go into pumpkin pie). Or maybe your child made it, and your porch is like the "refrigerator" of the neighborhood. You want to display it for all to see while it's still good. So I understand the pumpkins, but why the decorations?
While driving around Yakima this weekend, I noticed some houses still decked out in the scariness of the last holiday. I'm at the age where I enjoy Halloween more than Christmas (at least when it comes to decorating), so I agree. But, don't you think, with Thanksgiving in a couple of days, it's time to take the Halloween decorations down? Well, I have the answer for you.

Nope, you decorate when and how you want to. Even if it's taking your orange Halloween lights, adding a "Harvest" sign in order to make it more Thanksgiving. Sure it's now Thanksgiving themed, but we know what you did, and that is great!
If anyone doesn't like it, they can mind their own darn business. It's your property, your decorations. You can do whatever you want. If it's not hurting anyone, cool, keep the giant skeletons up all year. Heck, go hardcore and use the skeleton on every holiday. Slap a pilgrim hat on it for Thanksgiving. I'd love to see a bony Uncle Sam in July. Do it and rock it! Please! To those neighbors doing just that, having the 7-foot skeleton helping hang Christmas lights, YES! Awesome!
In closing, if it's still Halloween at your house because you have yet to find time to change the scenery and put the stuff away or simply laziness. You'll do it when you feel like it. Heck, maybe you're getting a tremendous jump start for next year. Good for you! I'll love driving by like a creeper with a smile on my face because you've entertained me for the season. Thank you! For those who have already decorated for Thanksgiving, I'm also driving by your houses and smiling. Thank you as well! If you plan to keep the decorating going for Christmas, Tap the App and submit a photo and it could score you $500 in our Light Up Yakima 2022 contest.
What's your take? Do you love it or hate it? Should people get into seasonal gear when it comes to the outside decorating? Should they not even bother? Tap the App and let us know your thoughts.

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