So what do you do if you are "socially shy" but love coffee? Usually, you ask your significant other to drive. That way, he is forced to make small talk with the barista while getting you a drink. Your "ultra venti skinny caramel macchiato with just a touch of cinnamon and two pumps of espresso, with ice and a regular lid with a straw. On her gold card so that she can get her star."

I understand that different coffee places encourage (some, I'm sure, make) the employees to chit-chat and make small talk with the customers while the drink is being made. But is it really necessary? Even for the "significant other" who might not mind small talk (Note: me, I'm the significant other), sometimes we're worn out and just want to wait in silence.

My wife has also brought up the weird fact that these coffee stands expect people to be talkative... BEFORE THEY'VE HAD THEIR CAFFEINE! According to her, that's cruel and unusual punishment. She's socially shy. She likes people but likes Dogs more. So whenever we go to a coffee stand, and she is about to order, I'm just waiting for her to place her order and follow it up with something like:

"I'll tip extra if I don't have to have a conversation. It's not you; it's me!"
– My wife… one day.


She did have a great idea, though. There should be some universal sticker that socially shy coffee drinkers can put on their cars in the front windshield so that the coffee shops can see and automatically know, "this person doesn't care for a conversation."

I'm sure some of the shop workers might welcome seeing a sticker like this. Heck, Dutch Brothers have a sticker that is Lips. Just add the word "Shhhh" or a finger in front of it. Starbucks has the green lady, have her doing the "Speak No Evil" type gesture.

What if the person has the sticker on their car but DOES want to talk this time? Then they (the driver) can engage the worker in conversation. I know, first-world problems. But in the past couple of years, I've seen mountains being moved for lesser things, so I thought I'd throw this out there to help my wife with some of her coffee-ordering social anxiety. And to help me not have to remember the whole "ultra venti skinny caramel macchiato with just a touch of cinnamon and two pumps of espresso, with ice and a regular lid with a straw. On her gold card so that she can get her star."

What's your thoughts on this whole socially shy coffee ordering problem. Tap the App and let us know!

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