Identity theft and drug problems are running rampant, not only in the Yakima Valley, but across the nation and world wide. For many people, it's not on their radar, because they don't face it on a day to day basis. That could all change, with one misplaced bill or credit card statement or even medication bottle.

Luckily, Crime Stoppers of Yakima County is holding another Shred and Meds take Back Day! It's been a while since the last one they held, so if you're like many households, that shred bin has gotten pretty full!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 22nd from 9 am to 1 pm. They will be holding it at the Valley Mall parking lot (next to the old Bank of America Building).

"Please join us and our partners, Safe Yakima Valley and the Yakima Sheriff's Office, to safely dispose of your unused or unwanted medications and to safely destroy your unwanted personal documents."
- Crime Stoppers Yakima County Website

What Can Be Disposed Of At The Shred & Meds Event?

When it comes to what you can bring to dispose of, there is a limit on space for shred items. Because of this, they are limiting you to three grocery bags or two banker boxes maximum for the shreds (or until the truck is full). When it comes to medication disposal, there is no limitations.


How Much Does It Cost To Participate In The Shred & Meds Event?

The event is free, although donations are welcomed. Any donations received will go to help fund the Yakima County Crime Stoppers. This event is free because of the great sponsors that help put it on. Sponsors like: The Valley Mall, CL Shred, Leonard Rickey Investment Advisors, Yakima Police Department, GESA Credit Union, DEA, Pacific NW University of Health Sciences, and the Yakima County Sheriff's Office.

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