It is super easy to be negative.

It comes to so many, so naturally.

How many ways do they talk about traveling down the path of the dark side in Star Wars? All that negativity can warp you.

I hear many of my friends vent their annoyances... okay, that's being too kind; they whine and throw temper tantrums over issues they shouldn't.

One friend only seems happy if he's complaining about something.

I've warned him that he's going to die angry and alone due to high blood pressure if he doesn't calm down.

That's why whenever I see a topic of discussion online in a positive nature, I take notice.

A recent Reddit thread asked us to "Name something underrated about Washington that people don't talk about."

The Most Underrated Things About Washington State!

There are two aspects that I've always felt were great about our state:

You could drive from one corner of our state to the other within hours (in good conditions).

The other is the weather, how we get all 4 seasons... sometimes all in one day.

Many chimed in with TheBigThinkiner2000's question, and here are the top answers!

Best agriculture soil in the world!

tractor plowing a garden field. Neon outline of Washington

Any kind of environment you want, all within one state. Forests, lakes, deserts, urban, oceans, SNOW!

four pictures showing forests, deserts, mountains, snow. Neon outline of Washington

The food diversity! Between the local vegetables, seafood, meat, fruit, coffee, and beer, we make it all & and we have it all!

a table filled with different food. Neon outline of Washington

A waterfall around every corner (on the west side).

Snoqualmie Falls in washington. Neon outline of Washington

The wine!

Wine Glass being poured. Neon outline of Washington

The bug problem isn't as bad as it is in other states!

Butterfly on a flower. Neon outline of Washington

What about you? What's something that is underrated about Washington state? Tap the App and share your insights!

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There's even MORE things Reddit had to say about this though - check it out:

What's underrated in Washington?

On the Washington subreddit, a user asked for others to name something about Washington State that doesn't get talked about enough - things that are under rated. Here are some of the top responses as to the secret sauce that makes Washington great!

Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton

We talked about some of the best things... now let's look at some of the more tragic things to hit our state!

Washington State's Biggest Natural Disasters

Natural disasters happen everywhere, so of course Washington State has had its share of damaging and deadly forces of nature. Here are just some of the worst natural disasters in the state's history.

Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton

Counties with the worst droughts in Washington

Washington State is continuing its drought emergency into 2024, citing low snowpack and hot, dry forecasts. Here are the counties most affected by drought, based on data from the U.S. Drought Monitor to identify the counties in Washington with the worst droughts in the week leading up to July 16, 2024.

Note: "Abnormally dry" is not considered to be a drought, but is included as a separate data point.

Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton

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