The 10 Weirdest Things Californians Forget in their Ubers!
It’s late, you need to get home, so you open your UBER App and a couple of taps later you’re all set! Now you just have to get ready to get home!
You have your wallet, phone, jacket, and keys. You are all set for your ride home!
Oh, but don’t forget to bring your toupee, meat tray, jar of oysters and your ceramic cat!
Now, just don’t forget them in the Uber, when you get out. Otherwise you’ll end up on the list!
List you say? Yeah, The 2024 Uber Lost & Found Index, the 8th ANNUAL list of of most forgetful cities, items left behind, and weirdest items left in an Uber!
Most commonly forgotten items are not all that unusual. Clothing, wallet, jewelry, phone, book, tablet, etc.
But the weirder stuff that have been left behind range from a fake butt and fart sensor to meditation crystals and a pet turtle.
Top 10 Weirdest Things Forgotten In An Uber:
10: Small rat skeleton Prop
9: Personalized Blanket of Person and their dog
8: Jar of Oysters
7: Ceramic Cat
6: A Tray of Meat Pie
5: A Beyoncé Fold-Up Fan
4: Containers Complete With Spiders
3: A “Much Needed” Leaf
2: Hot Sauce & Breathalyzer
1: Frontal Hair Toupee
Were these all left by California Uber riders? It’s hard to say, out of the top ten most forgetful cities, Los Angeles, Califonira ranked #2 just behind Miami, Florida.
READ MORE: Top 10 Cities in California for Gun Violence!
Check out the full list of 50 “unique” lost items and other Uber breakdowns at Uber.com.