It figures this would happen just around Halloween, because it’s something frightening! A major recall of eye drops… medicine that is supposed to help your eyes can now potentially leave you permanently damaged! With my “eye-phobia” I have a hard time with drops or even watching someone put in contact lenses, so with this latest news, my jaw dropped, and now I have a new fear the next time I see my Ophthalmologist.

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers last week about 26 different over-the-counter eye drop products (with more products added to the list on Monday, October 30th). These products were sold in nationwide retailers (CVS Health, Rite Aid, Target, and Walmart among others) and online.

The Reason For Eye Drop The Recall

The reason for the recommended recall was due to unsanitary conditions and the manufacturing facility testing positive for bacteria. The eye drops in question expose patients to a potential risk of eye infections with partial or total vision loss. CVS, Rite Aid, Target and Walmart have removed the possibly contaminated products from their shelves and websites, but other products with the brands of Leader, Velocity, and Rugby may still be available and recommended to not be purchased at this time.

What Should I Do If I Have Used The Recalled Product

As of this writing, the FDA has not received any reports of illness related to the recalled eye drops. If you have used the drops and notice symptoms of infection, visit your health care provider or immediate medical care.

What Should I do If I Have The Recalled Product

FDA recommends discarding them, or taking them back to the original place of purchase.


For a full list of the Eye Drop Retailers and Product Information, visit

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