Ex-OSU Star Clarett Admits DUI, Gets 2 years’ Probation
MOUNT GILEAD, Ohio (AP) — Former Ohio State star running back Marcus Clarett has admitted driving under the influence.
He pleaded guilty under a deal with prosecutors and received a suspended 60-day jail sentence Monday.
Court records show all but three days were suspended. Clarett must serve two years of probation and undergo a driver intervention program. His driver's license was suspended for 180 days. Clarett's attorney didn't immediately return a call seeking comment Wednesday.
Clarett was traveling Interstate 71 in Morrow County on Jan 3 when a fellow motorist reported him driving erratically.
Clarett was released from probation last February after a 2006 conviction on robbery and gun charges.
He rushed for a team freshman record 1,237 yards and scored 18 touchdowns to help OSU to a 14-0 record and the 2002 BCS Championship.
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