Coming to Terms With the Seahawks’ Super Bowl Loss — Brian’s Blog
In 1969, author Elizabeth Kubler-Ross came up with what's known as the five stages of grief that people go through when someone dies. I think I've figured out how that applies to Sunday's loss.The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up Monday morning was "28 to 24." The final score in Sunday's Super Bowl that saw my beloved Seattle Seahawks fall to the New England Patriots. As I've been talking to people about the game, I've figured out how the five stages of grief that Kubler-Ross wrote about in her book "On Death and Dying" apply to Seattle's loss.
1. Denial and Isolation: "I did not see that happen! No Way! There has to be a penalty! Now leave me alone!"
2. Anger: What the _______! (You supply the expletive) Who called that play? Why didn't they give it to Lynch? I'M SO P-Oed right now!"
3. Bargaining: "OK, look at it this way. If Jermaine Kearse hadn't made that miracle catch, it would have been game over any way. You can see that, can't you?"
4. Depression: "Man, I can't take it. I don't think I can go to work tomorrow. I just feel so depleted and defeated. Can someone hold me, please?"
5. Acceptance: "OK, Pete Carroll said it was a good play call. Even Bill Belichick said it was a good call. Russell Wilson said he would do it again. Hey, wait. The Seahawks are going to be really good next year. Yeah, really good! Wouldn't it be great to see them win Super Bowl 50 in the 40-Whiners stadium? Hell, yeah! Go Hawks!"
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