Kyle Dowling

Olympic Basketball Player Punches Opponent Right in the ‘Medals’
We’ll all remember the 2012 London Games for having some of the best moments in Olympic history. How can we forget the star-studded opening with Mr. Bean? Oh, right, there were games too.

Big Trucks! It’s The 2012 Monster Jam World Finals
It appears that legendary late night comedy tycoon Lorne Michaels (‘Saturday Night Live’) is now in the Internet video biz, big time. Recently he added a digital production arm to his company Broadway Video — titled Above Average Productions — which produces short form comedy. Whoa, how weird, here’s one now!

Skydivers Compete in Wingsuit Race to Earth
This video takes racing to a whole new level. Usually, competitors run, bike or swim to a finish line to achieve victory. Hooray! However, in this video, it takes a little bit more than that to get to the end…
Wingsuits are just completely crazy. Say

Brianna Abdoo — Babe of The Day
Check out Brianna — a 19-year-old aspiring model from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, who has been modeling for about three years. According to her Model Mayhem profile, she’s open to having ideas thrown her way as an opportunity to expand her portfolio. Yeah, we k

7 Things You Can Only Get Away With At The Gym
Some people go to the gym, willingly, to merely get in shape. Some go because they’re addicted to looking at their veins pulsate and their muscles pop like bodybuilders. Others are forced, either by doctors, their own self-loathsome feelings, or even by the pressures of the entertainment industry.