Xander has a hyperactive imagination, a creative/professional writing degree, DSLR camera, and a massive vinyl collection -- and knows how to use them. He's also a sucker for Shakespeare, "Bob's Burgers" and the cinematic works from the Criterion Collection. Some radio show host once told Xander he couldn't be a "jack of all trades." He thought that was rather funny and felt the wrath of "Snark Mode." Though Xander knows how to use "Snark Mode," his wife Janice is the master. When it comes to music, Xander doesn't have a favorite band or genre. He listens to everything and his mind changes every five seconds. Xander has been a photojournalist for over a decade and his work has been featured in Rolling Stone, People, Spin, The Guardian, Daily Mail, MSN, and Alternative Press. When Xander is not busy, he spends time with his wife Janice and their three "fur babies." (2 Cats 1 Giant Malamute)... And no, Xander does not own the record he is holding in his profile photo. (UPDATE: Someone sent it to him as a gift so now he does)