I am originally from Los Angeles, but grew up in Edmonton, Alberta. In between I spent two years of my childhood in Montana. One in Great Falls and the other in Havre. My mom married a Canadian when I was 9, and we moved to Canada. Because the winters in Edmonton were too damn cold, I moved back to California once I was 21. My radio career has taken me to Casa Grande, Ariz., and to Palm Springs, Fresno and San Luis Obispo, Calif., and back to Edmonton, and Yakima. I play poker, basketball and flag football in my free time. My claim to fame is that my wife Monica is sisters with the former Miss El Salvador 1996, who came in sixth in that year's Miss Universe competition. Of course I think my wife is prettier than her sister! I also have a 12-year-old daughter named Noel who is in junior high and was the fifth-grade champion high jumper.
Andy Winford
How Is Smoking Cigarettes Still A Thing?
I'll admit to having lit up when I was a teenager but fortunately for me I never caught the "habit". I do like a cigar from time to time... once a year when I'm in Vegas maybe. As far as cigarettes go however I have never understood the fascination...
Cute Alert!!! Bear Back Scratch [VIDEO]
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife caught this night vision video of a bear getting his (or her) last back scratch of the season before heading into hibernation.
The Seahawks “Touchdown City” Is The Best Fan Experience In Pro Football
I've been to a number of NFL stadiums throughout the league but I have to say the Seahawks "Touchdown City" is the best of them all. Trying to follow your fantasy players but going to a game on the same day? Every game is on a mammoth screen somewhere...
There’s A Hard Cider Tasting Room Right Here In Yakima
While I do love beer, I like hard cider even more. Slowly hard ciders are gaining a bigger and bigger share of the market according to DraftMag.com. Since more apples are grown in Washington than any other state it makes sense that a lot of the great ciders come from Central Washington...
Handling “12” Jugs All At Once
Seahawks mania in these parts can be a little over the top. On top of all the Seahawks logoed cars I've seen (some professionally done, some done by hand with spray paint) there is the "Sea-Fence" house, the giant "12" erected in PVC piping alongside Hwy 82 near Prosser and many other displays of fan pride...
10 Deeds In 10 Days Celebrity Auction Is Open for Bidding
The 10 Deeds in 10 Days Celebrity Auction kicked off this morning (Oct. 3) at 6 and runs until 7 p.m. Friday (Oct. 7). One of the items up for bid is the Thomas Rawls Seahawks signed collectible football pictured above. Also available are:
An ESP guitar signed by all the current members of Trans-Siberian Orchestra
A Toby Keith "Clancy's Tavern" gold certificate
A framed and autographed
Uber Is In Yakima Now!
Back in April I returned from a trip to California to visit family. Normally I have a ride setup from YKM but this time I wasn't so fortunate as my flight arrived a couple of hours late and the ride I had couldn't make it. I didn't want to pay $20 for a taxi so I downloaded the Uber app on my iPhone and found out that Uber wasn't servicing the Yakima area at that time...
Parking Prices For Seahawks Games Aren’t Bad When You Compare Them To Los Angeles
I went to the first NFL game in Los Angeles in 22 years. As a Rams fan I just couldn't miss it and now I have a memory that will last forever. I was surrounded by Seahawks fans who bought tickets on resale websites and were commenting on how expensive everything in L...
Proof That Fantasy Football Is Even Bigger Than The NBA, MLB Or NHL… COMBINED!
According to Forbes Magazine the annual revenue generated from Fantasy Football has reached $70 Billion. Yes, that's billion with a b. Fantasy Football has existed for a few decades but it really took off with the proliferation of the internet...
The Bidding Is Open For This Year’s Fall Auction!
It's ON!
The bidding is now open in our twice-yearly Seize the Deal auction, featuring a wider-than-ever range of goods and services.
It's a pretty simple system: The whole sale is online, so all you need to do is scroll through the sale items, enter your bid and watch for your deal to come through...