Ag News: Mexico Deal and Ag
**Will recent negotiations with Mexico result in the sale of more U.S. ag products?
The President claims he reached a secret pact with Mexico, despite Mexico’s insistence there are no secret components of the deal.
Agweb.com reports, Trump vows Mexico will soon make “large” agricultural purchases from the U.S. as part of the deal on border security and illegal immigration.
Mexican officials say they’re unaware of any side accord, and that agricultural trade wasn’t discussed.
**Fresh-cut melons are the latest target market for many California growers.
According to thepacker.com, fresh fruit continues to be one of the top snacking trends among young adults as they shift away from less-healthy foods.
But growers are also facing headwinds in the fresh-cut category.
Consumers 18-39 are the least likely to purchases cantaloupe overall, being far more popular with older consumers.
Growers also have to consider logistics like shelf life and packaging.
**Last week USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service confirmed it discovered genetically engineered wheat in Washington state. It was found in an unplanted field and is resistant to glyphosate.
As reported in greenbook.net, there is no evidence any GE wheat has entered the food supply, but USDA is working with state, industry and trading partners to provide timely and transparent information.
To date, there are no GE wheat varieties for sale or in commercial production in the U.S.
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