Ag News: China Retaliation
**Following action by President Trump to impose tariffs on up to $60 billion in Chinese imports, China is making its list of what U.S. products will be the target of retaliation.
Agwired.com reports the list reportedly includes ag products such as U.S. pork, modified ethanol, wine, fruits and nuts, and soybeans are expected to be as well.
Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen says “China’s response was entirely predictable, given recent actions by our administration.
**The Humane Society of the U.S. is facing pushback from several charity oversight groups in the wake of a sexual misconduct investigation that led to the resignation of CEO Wayne Pacelle.
It’s reported the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance removed its accreditation of the charity, and, Charity Navigator downgraded the Humane Society’s rating from four stars to two, with a “1” for finances.
According to agweb.com, Animal Charity Evaluators also rescinded the Humane Society’s 2016 Standout recommendation of the groups Farm Animal Protection Campaign.
**If the rhetoric about agricultural trade is making you nervous, it may be time to buckle up your seat belt, and shoulder harness.
That’s the overall message from a panel of ag industry leaders at the Agri-Pulse “Harvesting Perspectives” summit in Washington, D.C. last week.
Panelists across the board admitted how uncomfortable they were with the rhetoric coming from the White House, and the anxiety it’s creating with trading partners across the globe.
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