6 Best Weird Stereotypes About Spokane, Washington That Are Actually True
6 Best Weird Stereotypes About Spokane, Washington That Are Actually True
If you haven't been to Spokane, Washington, much then you might not recognize these 6 stereotypes as being weird or true, but they are!
1 . They call themselves SPOKIES.
People living in Seattle call themselves Seattle-ites; Bellingham has Belling-hamanians (we guess?) Those living in Yakima don’t even have a name they all agree on besides living in "The Palm Springs of Washington", and we don’t have a clue what residents in Tri Cities call themselves (The Trites)? As for the folks living in Spokane, they have conveniently come together to label themselves as simply, “Spokies.” It’s quite fitting, don’t you think?
2 . Mullets Are a Common Sight.
Just when you thought we had rooted out all traces of those hideous 80s mullets, the people of Spokane are trying to bring it back, especially on their kids. We get it, it’s easier on the patience (and wallet?) to cut half of a kid’s head, but come on, man! That hairstyle needs to remain in a time capsule where it belongs in infamy. Let people in the year 2180 figure it out!
3 . May and June weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, and other important life events are planned around the Hoopfest and Bloomsday events in Spokane. (No scheduling conflicts are allowed!)
Spokane is the city of Lilies, or "Lily City," as it is affectionately nicknamed in some circles. Mark your calendars to visit Spokane on the first Sunday in May, because on May 7, 2023, Bloomsday takes over 45 blocks of the city.

Bloomsday is a big road race managed by the Lilac Bloomsday Association. It has about 7 miles in the race (12 km). Spokane goes all out for this sporting event, including showcasing tons of live music bands, block parties, secret t-shirts for finishers, and releasing something called the Doomsday Hill Vulture. If you hear someone say, “Go Bloomies!”, just know that it’s about the Bloomsday Race and not about a pair of knickers.
This 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Spokane is claimed to be “THE LARGEST 3ON3 IN THE WORLD!“, Hoopfest 2023 will be on Saturday, June 24th and Sunday, June 25th.
4. Spokane is a place for Hipsters!
Hipster bands like Deathcab for Cutie, Flogging Molly, Modest Mouse, and more love to play at The Knitting Factory in Spokane. You can always find a hip modern rock and alt-rock band to discover because they flock to the Spokane music scene like white on rice.
5 . There are scary Aryan Nation types and other hoodlametry* out there in Spokane. Yeesh.
This stereotype of scary racists running amok hither and thither in rural Spokane is unfortunately true, especially because of Spokane’s proximity to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Idaho also has a very negative stereotype of being a haven for residents who have white supremacist beliefs. The sad part is that there are many Washington state families of certain “minority” groups who refuse parts of Spokane because of this negative stereotype. You just have to be careful where you visit anywhere these days, amirite?
6 . There is no such thing as a "Spokane-Style" pizza!
To this day, I still do not know where Los Angeles “food critic”, Josh Scherer, got his idea to record this TikTok claiming there is a stereotypical “Spokane-Style Pizza”, but wow, did he ever make an impression on me. I get filled with both rage and giggles every time I think about this video. He told Rolling Stone magazine that he “made it up” but I think the jury of the public is still out on that one. LMAO.
RELATED: L.A. Food Critic Gets Roasted for His Disgusting ‘Spokane-Style’ Pizza Recipe

@mythicalkitchen Now here's a pizza style you probably never ever heard about. #fyp #foryou #pizza #spokanestylepizza #food ♬ original sound - Mythical Kitchen
There are many stereotypes about Spokane that we didn't list, so fill us in on the ones you love to point out are true and oh, so, weird.
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